delicate walls...

"Imagine you’re strolling down a fabulous old street in the heart of Paris and you spy a wonderful decades-old mansion, sooty with age and covered with gargoyles and window boxes overflowing with lavender, roses, honeysuckle. You stop to admire but then, out of the corner of your eye you see a big black wrecking ball about to smash the building down. 'Noooo,' you cry as you clutch your Lulu Guinness handbag and rush in, determined to save the age-old hand-decorated plastered panel walls." -Kathe Fraga, artist
Today I found some amazing hand-painted French wallpaper by Kathe Fraga and really wanted to share. What a gorgeous one-of-a-kind way of creating a colorful, lively and energized space that has all of the charm and beauty of art with the conceptual idea of wallpaper...that's divine.

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