long time...

time has a way slipping through your fingers, counting down without your even knowing. lots has happened since the last time i wrote... i began a new chapter: i am a student again and it feels good, sort of like stretching a muscle that has been used yet somehow forgotten along the daily usage. thoughts that haven't been retrieved and energy that hasn't been spent on studying, writing and examining life's many circumstances are all part of being a student. studious things happen to those who attend school, i suppose.

you become aware of the lessons discussed in class, things otherwise hidden suddenly become clear and you are aware of new things. the beauty of being a student, aside from having the internal thrill of exclaiming, "Yep, i'm a student," when someone asks you what the hell you're doing with your life, there is an internal drive and purpose that academia creates. working a job, attending acting classes, driving to and from events and things aren't the same as sitting in a classroom and submerging yourself in completely new material, new subjects that you may not have ever thought about before. school is too expensive, this we know, but it is worth it. the price you pay to become a more aware, conscious and knowing person is priceless, really.

so here's to the tests, the stress of being at the top of your game intellectually, and having the courage to set foot in a classroom with kids almost half you age. Yes, half. if you've ever wanted to feel old, simply decide to continue your education and hope that you and your teacher didn't graduate high school in the same year. 2010 has been a great year largely in part to returning to the academic world where pushing yourself to find your passion is strongly encouraged. good luck finding that in the workforce, unless you are extremely lucky!

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