organize this!
My cross-country trip back to Missouri is complete and today is the final day of settling into my new house post 24' Uhaul and car tow to boot. Since this move, I have been bitten by the organizational bug (even more than my usual OCD tendencies) thus, am now decorating, throwing away and organizing my stuff room by room. The sucky part of moving isn't the actual moving of your stuff. The part that makes you wanna pull your hair out at the root is the un-packing of your stuff. I've opened and emptied my thirty-something boxed filled with trinkets, but the hard part lies in establishing what room of your new pad is the right room for your crap. I thought I'd share some organizational photos from past projects as I work to organize my house this week. Wish me luck!
No job seems feasible at the beginning of the organizing journey but with a bit of planning, lots of coffee and lively music to jam to you are destined to create beautiful, clutter-free rooms in just a matter of hours.
Enjoy the transformation of this bedroom. I have an office to deal with!