sun room REVAMP
A great woman and friend asked me to come over and work magic on her spacious and overly pollenated jacuzzi/sunroom. If you want a great cleaner, market america uses eco-friendly SNAP! highly concentrated cleansers and after 5 hours, my hands were moist, undried out and smelled great!
Here's a breakdown of what had to happen for her to enjoy her back room again!
- Space re-arrangement
- A deep clean of all screens and surfaces, the vinyl siding, carpet
- Placement of candles+decorative items on tables for added appeal
- Putting chairs at the opposite end and placing things in the corners add warmth!
- Pulling existing drapery to a uniform look helps aesthetics, or adding them adds comfort and privacy. Color is key!
- Keys to making any room more appealing is a. light b. color c.placement d. natural elements
- Seeing others items is such an enjoyable experience for me and organization gives me that opportunity.