a sunday in september
the last 3 weeks have been eagerly rushed, emotionally demanding and yet surprisingly exciting. i have been granted a new look into the life of yours truly. single again and alarmed that independence feels this good, i have taken a closer look at what makes ME happy, content and never yearning for more out of life. i guess i am hard to please. a bit OCD. a tad impatient. (that last statement made me laugh aloud) since my life has been spent being in a rush.
but for the last few weeks, i have taken the time to just be. like the common song, i have enjoyed simply doing nothing and anything at all. i am learning that in those moments of silence are when you learn the most about your self.
i love the fall weather, the rain has been steady and sullen but has made the heat of the summer subside nicely into crisp, clean air. projects abound and life is joyful again. trips are planned, birthdays celebrated and memories made like Adele sings about.
happy 25th day of September, whoever you are regardless of where you are today...we are both on a journey to finding happiness, love and laughter within.